"The biggest challenge I face in my longing to become who I am is to know and enjoy each member of the Trinity to such an extent that I can remain centered in them when I'm with others. When I'm centered in God, alive to the spirit's rhythm, aware of the Son's grace, and basking in the Father's love, I no longer fear anothers judgement. It can hurt, but it cannot destroy. It is then that I more fully discover my true self, and I'm empowered to enter relationships with true love"
This came from an article that I am reading titled "Misery loves company, What Im learning about my struggles" by Larry Crabb. This article talks about the struggles involved in finding our "true selves" It is a great article that I have in pdf form if anyone is interested. I may comment on it more, when I get a chance to really process it
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Quote from Larry Crabb
Posted by Jane at 2:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Long Ago Silence and Solitude
Also, the picture that I have posted labeled "The Cross" is very, very close to here. About 50 miles or so. "The Cross" has special significance to me. It was built a long time ago on the top of the highest mountain that overlooks my hometown of Uniontown PA, in a town called Jumonville. To the right side of my page, under the picture of The Cross is a link to the website...today, the area around the cross is a retreat center, How cool is that?! I remember fondly my parents taking us to this cross for sunrise service on Easter morning, it was such a beautiful place to be as the sun rose over the mountains on a cool spring morning. I remember what it smelled like there and how it felt to me. I have a sense again, of a sacred place, on top of that mountain, so long ago. Again, "sacred places" playing a part in my life, and I didnt even know it was happening, until now! How great God is, for allowing me to "see"
Posted by Jane at 8:52 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Intended To Be
Posted by Jane at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 21, 2007
Another Adventure
This quote comes from the Our Daily Bread devotional..."Adventures can be fun...and scary. They usually involve a bit of the unknow. As we walk in fellowship with God, it's likely that our lives will have many unique adventures...opportunities to serve Him. If we're reluctant or scared and we turn down an opportunity, we miss out. Will God still get the job done? Of course. But someone else will receive the blessing". "Courage is fear that has said its prayers!". I shared this quote from you because at the time I saw it on Tuesday May 8, I ripped it out of the devotional book and decided I wanted to process it some more. On that day and several of the next days, I took from it to mean something about this new adventure of writing and finding my creative self....its kinda scarey...but I dont want someone else getting the blessing that is meant for me....make sence? Ok, well, in a matter of 1 week and 1 day, the meaning of this quote took on a whole new understanding for me....the understanding of being LOST on my adventure. All alone, in the scarey dark woods. Something still scares me about dark woods, physically and mentally. On Wednesday May 16 I had a "melt-down" at work. I was asked to hand in my resignation in writing and within 2 hours or so, I was rehired. This is a very hard story to tell without telling the details, but I am choosing to the leave those out, because, really in the scheme of things, they don't matter. What matters is what I was feeling and what I learned through it. I was feeling fear, but it came out as rage. This behavior is not new to me, but it is a behavior that I haven't allowed for a really, really long time. This fear I have determined was a combination of many things that were going on in my life, and worse than the understand of that, was the understanding that it was satan himself....working tirelessly at me. Not just in my work life, but in my personal life also. I called my husband in the midst of all of this mess and he was definately my grounding point. He asked me simple questions. What happened? Where was God in all of this? and finally, Have you prayed through this? These questions have a recurring theme for me and I needed to not only answer them, but listen to what the questions were saying to me. They were saying that I was lost. Here is the good news, I was lost, but now Im found! or it might be more acurate to say Im finding my way back from the darkened woods! I was able to go back to work, after I said several prayers, one about forgiveness (for losing site of HIM) one of gratitude for having the freedome to chose HIM, and one for the strength and humbleness to talk to my supervisor. I spoke with her at length and process through what had happened. I was able to do this calmly and without anger and she was able to hear me, calmly and without anger. These 2 things were a blessing. I was only able to do this because of Jesus, living in me, a reality that I dont think I really understood until that day. In the wake of this episode I have been drawing ever closer to Jesus....because I have learned yet another lesson that he never leaves me alone in the darkened woods, where the scarey things of my life hide...he is right there with me....only I am blind....and cannot see. I do not wish to go on anymore journeys without him, I dont want to be scared...to let fear rule me
Posted by Jane at 6:41 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 11, 2007
In the morning
Posted by Jane at 7:07 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
The beasts of the woods
Posted by Jane at 9:00 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Ok...here I go!! I started this journey in an "around the corner" kind of approach. There were some character defects that I needed to work on. I was fortunate to have very loving people placed in my life that were able to tell me about one of them. This particular one was keeping me far, far away from the relationship that I could have been having with other people, but more importantly from my Creator. I had a very rough demeanor. Not that I saw myself as a mean person, but I was viewed that way by some people. There was alot of work that I needed to do if I wanted to change the way others saw me, or perceived me....hence the journey begun.
I was introduced to the idea of Silence and Solitude, hee hee, what a hoot! For those of you who know me, you know that this was going to be quite the task! Anyway, I ventured out...I bought the book Invitation to Solitude and Silence (experiencing God's Transforming Presence) by Ruth Haley Barton, an exceptional book. To make this a condensed version of this part of my life, I read the book, I took directions given in the book, I set up "my sacred place" in my home, I got a Spiritual Mentor...I took some other direction from those that love me, and found myself with a longing for something....I felt closer to God than ever, I absolutely felt a relationship with Him, but I longed for something else. I wasn't sure what "it" was. deAnn and I met for breakfast one morning and she asked the question "do you see yourself as an artist?" The answer was immediate and definate "Yes"! Ive not quite put my finger on which or what type of artist, but I had and immediate, emotional reaction to her question. So...I'm trying to connect with my repressed artist...maybe I'm trying too hard....I think I'll keep doing different things until I find my true creative self.
Til next time...I remain "Still"
Posted by Jane at 9:30 PM 2 comments